Friday, March 19, 2010

"Welcome to the Hellmouth"

Let me start by saying that this specific blog post doesn't represent the entire value system of Students for Free Culture. It's merely a little insight into why I, Caity Rock, am interested in this movement. Students for Free Culture doesn't have a gay agenda. The objective of Students for Free Culture is centered on creativity, copyright laws, fair use regulations and what the face of media will look like in the future if we start changing it now.

With that said, please take a few minutes to enjoy this fan created video that I feel highlights exactly why everyone should be allowed to create their own content without worrying about ramifications from copyright infringement laws.

Got it? Good! Let's begin!

The creator, dylanxtra, has mashed up several episodes of Joss Whedon's Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to create a new and clever video highlighting the imaginary sexual tension between characters Buffy and Faith. Some would argue that dylanxtra has taken away from Whedon's original intentions, uploaded images and music that aren't dylanxtra's own property and thereby devalued Buffy and Angel since no monetary revenue is coming to Whedon's pocket.
YouTube prides itself on its strict terms, copyright laws and speedy response to taking down illegal material. However, this video has been online since May 2008 with nearly 40,000 views. How can YouTube argue that by taking Whedon's original work and creating something fresh would be a bad thing for anyone involved? Audiences know it's the show Buffy, and Whedon's original material. YouTube gains more viewers when uploaders are allowed to broadcast their creative work and share it with fans and subscribers world-wide. Dedicated fans appreciate seeing other like-minded folks expressing new creative endeavors for a show or character by creating a new life that may not have existed if materials weren't allowed to be mixed up.

Isn't there more value and satisfaction in making images visible for the public instead of solely trying to profit off every last creative piece? I think dylanxtra's creativity only adds more value to the show and her dedication to her artwork should be applauded. YouTube should be happy to host creative minds like dylanxtra and help foster other developing creativity.

Did Van Gogh copyright every single sunflower in the known universe? No. Did he even have "permission" to use the image of sunflowers? What a stupid question. Van Gogh used what was around him to make art and interpret life his own way. He has inspired a countless number of others to satisfy their own creative itch by using the world to create something new. Just because we're now in a digital world doesn't mean stronger restrictions have to be placed on people trying to be creative.

The moral of the story is that as long as credit is given where credit is due, just like dylanxtra and I have done, then what's so wrong with making your own media out of songs, videos, writings, pictures, lyrics, paintings or drawings that already exist? It should be flattering to see someone so inspired by your work that they then go out and create their own.

After-all, good writers borrow, but great writers steal.

PS-Seasons 1-4 are the only Buffy seasons that count. I will challenge anyone who disagrees and actually liked seeing Dawn all the freakin' time.

5 W's and 1 H

San Francisco State University, specifically students within the Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts Department, but it's free for all.

Entirely similar to the mission of Creative Commons, Students for Free Culture is on a mission to facilitate participatory culture in a digital age.

Our generation is constantly "plugged in" and on the front lines of budding technology and social interactions. We are the movers and shakers for making media and changing how content is shared.

We hope that by building a layer of reasonable, flexible copyright in the face of stagnant and restrictive rules the face of media, creativity and how content is shared can drastically change for the better.

San Francisco Bay Area with aspirations of world-wide collaboration.

Day and Night. All day, everyday.

Why not? We have all of the necessary tools at our finger tips and ideas within our heads.

Join in. Participate. Spread the word.

Knowledge truly is power.